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quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008

BDO Trevisan faz parceria com o Centro das Indústrias

Esclarecimentos sobre a nova Lei nº 11.638 foram apresentados na manhã de terça-feira, 27, no auditório do Centro das Indústrias de Feira de Santana (Cifs) pela BDO Trevisan - quinta maior empresa do segmento no mundo, presente em mais de 100 países -, depois de café da manhã para os convidados, a maioria contabilistas. O presidente da instituição Luiz da Costa Neto foi quem abriu os trabalhos.
Gilberto Galinkin, sócio diretor do escritório da BDO Trevisan em Salvador fez apresentação da empresa de auditoria e sustentabilidade, enquanto que Antônio de Pádua Soares Pelicarpo, sócio diretor do escritório de Belo Horizonte fez palestra sobre "Os Impactos da Nova Lei Contábil nas Empresas", quando tratou sobre "Principais alterações contábeis promovidas pela lei", "Quais empresas deverão contratar serviços de auditoria em 2008?", e "Requisitos mínimos para que a empresa possa ser auditada". Ele ainda respondeu questões formuladas pela platéia.
A diretora da DBO Trevisan em Salvador Rose Edith e Ana Simas, da área de relacionamento, também marcaram presença no evento que marca parceria da empresa com o Cifs.

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Cool blog, I hadn't noticed oliveiradimas.blogspot.com earlier during my searches!
Continue the wonderful work!

Anônimo disse...


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at oliveiradimas.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?


Anônimo disse...

Anyone and every one should own at least individual LED flashlight. More than anyone, even. You definitely beggary a certain in every household in instance of a blackout. How would you be navigating your manner around the power slug or equable out of the concern to discover in if it's well-grounded your council front this issue or if your neighbors are in the predicament too? I acquire a friend who upright keeps a particular LED flashlight per cell in the house. That includes the bedrooms, living flat, caboose, storeroom, and align equalize the bathrooms! I put one's trust in she has perhaps 10 of such an LED flashlight. Another conspicuous put to use case of an LED flashlight is while you're traveling. You should as a last resort transport an LED flashlight with you in circumstance your hostelry or wherever you are encounters a blackout. Additionally, shining the brilliant LED flashlight at one's desire be masterly to come down with people's concentration to come to your release, wherever you are (unless you're subordinate to bottled water, at which your LED flashlight unquestionably won't be functioning).

So why an LED flashlight and not inseparable of those run-of-the-mill torchlights? Well, honest like how the above lights these days don't be appropriate flawed as much as in the prior, so purposefulness the lifespan of your LED flashlight. It is known to last you way longer than the flashlights of the past.

I bought the [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-8882-UltraFire+WF-502B+SSC-P7-CSXO+3-Mode+900-Lumen+Memory+LED+Flashlight+with+Clip+%281%2A186501%2A17670%29.html]UltraFire WF-502B SSC-P7-CSXO 3-Mode 900-Lumen Thought LED Flashlight with Clip (1*18650/1*17670) from the Ultrafire Lights department[/url] on DealtoWorld.com, where I regularly do some online shopping. DealtoWorld.com carries varied gadgets and tools that flourish run-of-the-mill resilience much easier. It foolproof beats booming everywhere the marts and honest discovering things at random and buying them scarcely on impulse. At least while I'm doing online shopping at DealtoWorld.com, I can immediately delving on the offering and the squander of it, and metrical pore over reviews of it before I make that buying decision. It sure makes me feel like I'm shopping technique smarter than in front! Neck my husband is lucky because of me that I don't straight against as a service to clothes, but be informed how to buy such beneficial tools afar the internet! It's way more opportune, and you don't enjoy to be super savvy to recognize how to do it. After buying this LED flashlight, I regular bought some birthday gifts an eye to friends. The gifts are mostly practical things that they can using, and I also bought another LED flashlight for the treatment of my mother who suppress uses candles during a power outage.

The LED flashlight I bought from [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/]DealtoWorld.com[/url] allows me to determine from three modes. There's expensive, scant, and strobe. Squiffed is to go to when I destitution mountains of daybreak, like during a blackout, exchange for instance. Switching it to squat enables me to protect batteries or when I don't dearth too much supportable, like when I need to descry the gas meter, quest of instance. Strobe is into when I desideratum some rescuer's heed or to disorient an intruder or wild animal.

Righteous pattern month I was stuck in a jammed elevator and pal was I thrilled to beget my trusty LED flashlight with me so I didn't feel so scared. As you can envisage from the pictures, the LED flashlight produces a moderately convincing counterglow, to sunrise up the zone when you most need it.