Faleceu nesta sexta-feira, 17, a bailarina e
atriz francesa Zizi Jeanmaire (Foto: IMDb), aos 96 anos. Seu verdadeiro nome era Renée Marcelle Jeanmaire.
1959 Guinguette1957 Ela e os Homens - performances: "Qu'on Est Bien", "Charmants Garçons", "La Gambille"
1956 Folies Bergère - performances: "Paris Bohème", "La Croqueuse de Diamant", "La Java", "Ça c'Est Paris"
1956 Maravilhas em Desfile - Performances: "I Get A Kick Out Of You", "You're The Top", "Dream Ballet (Based on "Let's Do It" and "All Through The Night")", "Blow Gabriel Blow"
1952 Hans Christian Andersen - performances: "Ice Skating Ballet", "Dream Ballet", "Fantasy Wedding Sequence", "No Two People", "Sonata in B Minor Piano Sonata", "The Little Mermaid Ballet Scene"
Fonte: IMDb
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