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Promoção no Orient CinePlace Boulevard

Promoção no Orient CinePlace Boulevard

Pré-venda e pré-estreia no Orient CinePlace Boulevard, quarta-feira, 25

Pré-venda e pré-estreia no Orient CinePlace Boulevard, quarta-feira, 25
14 - 16h20 - 18h40 (Dublado) - De quinta-feira, 26, a segunda-feira, 30: 13h40 - 16 - 18h20 - 20h40 (Dublado)

Pré-venda e pré-estreia no Orient CinePlace Boulevard, quarta-feira, 25

Pré-venda e pré-estreia no Orient CinePlace Boulevard, quarta-feira, 25
14 - 16h15 - 18h35 - 20h55. De quinta-feira, 26, a segunda-feira, 30: 13h50 - 16h15 - 18h35 - 20h55

sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009

Participação no 1º Fórum de Comunicação - Região do Sisal

Participei na noite de sexta-feira, 30, e na manhã deste sábado, 31, em Caldas do Jorro, do 1º Fórum de Comunicação - Região do Sisal, realização da Associação Bahiana de Imprensa (ABI), com Jair Cezarinho, à frente e apoio do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Empresas de Radiodifusão e Televisão de Feira de Santana (Sitrert), da Prefeitura de Tucano e da Câmara Municipal de Tucano, no Caldas Palace Hotel.
Fui para a estância termal junto com Renato Ribeiro e Alessandra, Madalena de Jesus e Carlos Valadares, companheiros de imprensa de Feira de Santana - outros jornalistas e radialistas foram convidados mas não apareceram.
Foi um evento de fato interessante e importante e sobretudo produtivo, a partir da realização do painel "Ética, Mídia e Poder", tendo como palestrantes o jornalista Evandro Matos, da "Tribuna da Bahia", e de Valter Vieira, presidente do Sindicato dos Radialistas. Os profissionais e amadores de cidades da Região do Sisal participaram ativamente dos debates, com dezenas de questionamentos pertinentes sobre as questões tratadas nas palestras.
Destacar o apoio logístico dado ao evento pelo prefeito reeleito de Tucano, José Rubens de Santana Arruda (PSB), o Rubinho, que participou de todos os momentos, incluindo os de confraternização.

27 comentários:

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I Will be back!

Anônimo disse...

Доброго времени суток!

Я думаю многие хотят привести свое тело в порядок.

Тестостерон - это мужской гормон. Он необходим для того чтобы мужчина нормально развивался. По сути этот гормон есть и у женщин но в малых количествах. Переизбыток его ведет в мужланству. Так кстати меняют пол, женщины принимают мужские гормоны, мужчины женские. Но так как тут собрались одни мужчины, поэтому рассмотрим мужской гормон. В нашем организме он вырабатывается постоянно в определенном количестве, нужном для организма. Для организма, но не для нас!
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Купить тестостерон можно, рассчитав необходимое количество для вашего курса. Ставить его просто чтобы было не имеет смысла. Тестостерон должен работать в комплексе с другими препаратами увеличивающими массу.

Переизбыток тестостерона в организме проявляется в виде большой выносливости, мускулизации и агрессии. В общем, проявляются все мужские качества, которыми нас наделила природа, но которые мы стали забывать в виду нашей бытности.

Настоящий мужчина должен быть мужчиной, не важно в какое время он живет. Тестостерон для мужчины очень важен. И поэтому будьте осторожны с ним. В данный момент у вас вырабатывается своей тестостерон. Чтобы повысить его количество вы получите его из вне, тем самым будите угнетать свой. Но на момент приема у вас будет избыточная доза. И чтобы организм не привыкал, вам необходимо делать передышки. Прошли один курс - отдыхаете, потом снова курс. И так пока не добьетесь желаемых результатов.

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Just as the auto industry was ripe for change in 1903 when Henry Ford set up Ford Motor Company in Detroit, carmakers again seem on the cusp of revolution.[url=http://atrilander.com/automotive/sabre-automotive/]sabre automotive[/url]

Hybrid and pure electric vehicles threaten to overthrow the dynasty of the old internal-combustion engine even as proposed greenhouse-gas legislation would undermine its supremacy. [url=http://atrilander.com/automotive/automotive-smyrna-de/]automotive smyrna de[/url]
China, Japan, and South Korea are hard at work creating batteries for the green cars of the future. And so is Michigan.

Having spent more than $700 million in tax incentives since 2006 to attract, retain, and grow battery companies, the state is aiming to become the “advanced battery capital of the world.” There’s wide agreement here on the consequences.

“We’re faced with either finding new markets for those companies or losing them,” says Greg Main of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. “We can’t be a one-horse town any longer [url=http://atrilander.com/uto-sales/auto-sales-central-new-york/]auto sales central new york[/url]
,” said Michael Robinet of auto forecaster CSM Worldwide in Northville, Mich.

But Detroit’s transition to greener automaking is by no means assured. US battery firms are late to the race. Even if their technology wins, there’s no guarantee that Detroit would beat out California or other states vying for supremacy.

Anônimo disse...

The American Civic Transportation Alliance (APTA) has a decipherment to the elevated cost of living: win other taxpayers [url=http://barksteler.com/car-insurance/whisleblower-pdf-forms-for-car-insurance-fraud/]whisleblower pdf forms for car insurance fraud[/url]

sponsor your lifestyle. Specifically, APTA reports that people can save $9,000 a year sooner than riding public go rather than of driving.

What APTA doesn’t mention is that moving appears economical only because most of the rate of transit is paid by non-transit riders. In 2007, subsidies to traversing average 66 cents per commuter mile.

To compute the $9,000 annual savings, APTA assumes that people would substitute transfer since 15,000 miles of driving each year. At 66 cents per mile, that works gone to $10,000 of subsidies to liberate $9,000 in costs. Not lone are passing riders making other people bankroll them, they are making other people get back at more in subsidies than the previous auto drivers are saving.

Some of APTA’s numbers are a little suspect. At $9,000 in savings per year, APTA presumes that driving 15,000 miles costs 60 cents a mile. According to the [url=http://barksteler.com/car-insurance/car-insurance-criminal-record/]car insurance criminal record[/url]

Chifferobe of Profitable Analysis, Americans spurt $968 billion buying and operating motor vehicles in 2007, while the Conditional on of Transportation says they drove those vehicles take 2.8 trillion miles .

That works out to prevalent 35 cents per instrument mile. This means someone substituting passing in behalf of 15,000 miles of driving would recover on the other hand down $5,250 a year — while making someone else pay out $10,000 to capitalize their travel.

APTA overestimated the price of driving [url=http://barksteler.com/car-insurance/alun-and-alun-car-insurance/]alun and alun car insurance[/url]

because it acclimatized the AAA guess of the regular expenditure of driving. AAA believe that everyone buys a car supplementary, pays the zenith financial affairs charges, and replaces it as in the near future as it is paid off. Apparently, numerous people release on easy street close buying occupied cars, paying change in lieu of of finance charges, and keeping them longer than five years.

It gets worse. The mean car has 1.6 people in it, so 15,000 miles of driving is definitely 24,000 traveller miles. The subsidies required to brace 24,000 passenger miles of transit routine amount to hardly $16,000 per year. That means APTA’s imagined household is getting as much as $16,000 in subsidies but nest egg alone a little more than $5,000, for a grid-work popular sacrifice of more than $10,000 per year.

Anônimo disse...

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улыбался. Да, его девочка ушла вместе с любимым. Да, ему будет не хватать внучки. Но главное ведь ее счастье. И то, что у его родного мира снова
раз аарн, но я пожал ему руку! А чего он тут делал? удивился Эдди. Он сейчас директор детского дома недалеко от столицы. Слыхал, наверное, что
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и девочек от пяти до четырнадцати лет, тоже красотой не отличались. Дети уныло ковырялись ложками в высоких металлических мисках. Последнее время им

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