Opção de transferência bancária para a Pessoa Física: Dimas Boaventura de Oliveira, Banco do Brasil, agência 4622-1, conta corrente 50.848-9

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Pré-venda de ingressos

Pré-venda de ingressos
Semana de lançamento de 26/09 a 02/10: 14 horas, 16h15, 18h30 e 20h40

Pré-venda de ingressos

Pré-venda de ingressos
Pré-estreia no dia 2/10: 18 horas. 18h30 e 20h50; semana de lançamento de 3 a 9/10: 15h20, 17h50, 18h10, 20h40 e 21 horas

quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2007

This is Feira de Santana

Feira de Santana is located on the borderline between the coastal region, with the rich and opulent pastures, the sweet and sour scent of its sugar cane plantation, mills and historical events, and the semi-arid region, with its path of development marked by the boldness, resistance and persistence of backwoodsman. The city is located within the epicenter of the most important road junction of the brazilian North/Northeast regions. Its privileged geographical location and the economic boom verifed as of the 1960’s, have turned the city into a converging point of migration, thus attracting, mainly, populations proceeding from the backwoods of Bahia and from other northeastern states, and have reassured its vocation as regional capital, exerting an influence over a great territorial extension. This converging point of influences, undergoing a permanent miscegenation process, has turned Feira de Santana into a portal to the backwoods of Bahia, and a true social and anthropological mosaic of the northeast, an auhentic melting pot under permanent activity, with an extraordinary cultural diversity.
Feira de Santana is the second most important city of Bahia. Also among the thirty three biggest brazilian cities. Located at 108 kilometers of Salvador.
Population – 535.820 inhabitants (in 01.07.2006)
Mayor - José Ronaldo de Carvalho
* Pop Art Market
* Regional Museum of Art and Carlo Barbosa Art Galery in the University Center of Culture and the Art (Cuca), of the State University of Feira de Santana (Uefs)
* Museum of the Backwoods Region, onde the State University of Feira de Santana
* Antares Astronomic Observatory
* Shopping Center Iguatemi
* Rotary School
* City Park
* Cajueiro Country Club
* Subae’s Industrial Center (CIS)
Texto em inglês formatado pelo Blog Demais sobre Feira de Santana e distribuído a integrantes indianos e nepalês de Intercâmbio de Grupo de Estudos (IGE), programa de Rotary International, durante recente visita.

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