The following is a sponsored message. Please note that views expressed in this message do not necessarily reflect those of Parler and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Parler.
Dear Friend,
Israel needs paramedics to save lives.
MAGEN DAVID ADOM, Israel’s Red Cross, has only about 1,000 paramedics to care for the entire nation of Israel. They join MDA’s 30,000 EMTs.
This elite group of medical professionals undergoes more than 1,500 hours of rigorous training to care for the most critically injured patients, those on the verge of life and death. Emergency medical technicians receive only 200 hours of training or 400 for senior EMTs.
As the most skilled medical professionals in the field, paramedics are dispatched to the most serious of all medical emergencies.
They work tirelessly, day in and day out, to answer the call for help and save victims of the most horrific terror attacks, accidents, and emergencies.
MAGEN DAVID ADOM, Israel’s national Red Cross society, provides emergency medical care and ambulance services for victims of terror, natural disasters, automobile accidents, and other emergencies in Israel. It is also responsible for Israel’s national blood supply. MAGEN DAVID ADOM is saving lives in Israel every day.
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Baseado em uma emocionante história real, filme estreia em 20 de fevereiro Vanessa Giácomo e Dan Stulbach interpretam Renee e Philip Murdoch...
Horários até quarta-feira, 8
Lançamento nacional
Sábado, 15 (Dublado)
Lançamento nacional
13 - 15 - 19
Segunda semana
20h50 (Dublado)
Terceira semana
14 - 16h20 - 18h40 - 20h30 - 21
Terceira semana
13h30 - 15h45 - 18h05 (Dublado)
Quarta semana
13h20 - 15h50 - 18h20 (Dublado)
Sexta semana
17 - 21 (Dublado)
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Compilação das peças do processo que resultou no fechamento da emissora. É resultado de pesquisa feita a partir de material disponível e de domínio público no Arquivo Nacional
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